Henrique T Costa
Curso de Marketing com Seth Godin
The Modern Marketing Workshop
An Online Skillshare Class by Seth Godin

Curso de Marketing com Seth Godin

Para meus amigos e seguidores que queiram aprender mais sobre marketing moderno, indico esse curso. Seth Godin é um dos melhores e esse curso deveria ser feito por todas as pessoas que trabalham na área. Independente do nível em que estejam.

Seth Godin


“For 39 years, I’ve been starting, running, and bootstrapping companies of all sorts.
I started teaching at 14. I taught canoeing in northern Canada, computer science as an undergrad in college and business in a number of settings, including some time as one of the most highly-rated professors in the history of the Stern MBA program at NYU.
For more than a dozen years, I bootstrapped and ran a successful book company, with clients and partners that ran from Random House to Walter Dean Myers. Along the way I started a first-generation internet company (funded by Softbank and eventually sold to Yahoo). I’ve been in debt, grown market share, been rejected, succeeded, satisfied customers, hired, fired, dreamed, invented, started and ended…
For fun, I hang out with marketers and people who want to change the world.
Check out some of my talks online. This course is going to cover different material, but at least you can see what you’re in for.”

Clique no botão e ganhe 10$ off. Assim o curso fica somente 9$ dolares para quem ainda não fez nenhum curso no Skillshare.

Faça o curso
Bons estudos.

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Consultor de Marketing Digital, empreendedor, diretor de arte, motociclista, marido e pai.


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